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Friday, October 15, 2010

Things are Brewing.

Ahhhhh shiiiiiit...

Monday, September 27, 2010

</ Week One>

Ten days ago,
I drove eight hours north, back to Angwin.

Ten days later,
I write to you, my dear readers.

This was Week One.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Round Two: FIGHT!

Tonight ended my last night of Summer 2010.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Return of

Ladies and people. It certainly has been a while.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Year One Complete - What Do I Do Now?

It's been a little over a week since I took the seven-hour drive back home from Pacific Union College.
I hadn't slept in over 2 days, and I thought to myself, "I just want to go home."
Thank goodness I made it back alive.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Very Important Month [UPDATE]

It's been almost a month since I've last checked in with you guys.
Here's a chronological recap of May:
- Cinco De Mayo
- Motor Mountain Biking
- Weird Conversations
- Hospital Trip
- Weekend of Weird
- Film Festival

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Something Else I Did With My Hands

My roommate and some other people I know wanted to start a web comic soon.
So I decided to hone my drawing and humor skills.
Here is a small taste of what is to come.
What do you guys think?
Michael Castellanos!

Chapter Nineteen

It's weird, really.
I've been on this god forsaken planet for nineteen years.

I ended my eighteenth year with a bang.
(<- as seen to your left.)

I promised myself to make this the year I get my shit together.
Lets see how that's going.

Monday, April 19, 2010

I Died a Little Today..

Find out what in my life is killing me after the jump.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Last Few Pages of Chapter 18

Chapter 18 in my book of life is winding down. A lot has changed.
Hell, a crap load has changed.
It's almost surreal where I am in my life right now.
Can't say I didn't see much of this coming, a lot of it unexpected, I braced myself,
but life still hits you like a sack of bricks.

Monday, April 5, 2010

"I love you =)"

I'm not quite sure how to put this into a series of words that makes sense.
I am not too great.
And i beginning to wonder if i ever was, or ever will be.
When i am sad, do i lose my mind, and become way more sad?
Or is my mind lost when i am happy, making me delusional?
Questioning your sanity is never any fun. Interesting, but never fun.

Monday, March 29, 2010


Hello readers, It's been a while.

Well what can I say has happened this month...
well, a lot of weird shit.
I don't even know how to put it in words.
its been pretty weird.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Madison Johnson, You Tranny Bitch

God damn this wretched place.
Suspension, police, rats, narcs, and now,
fake facebook accounts used to trap students.
but instead of re-writing the whole story, I'll just link to this post here.
Needless to say this has created quite a stir in the community.
Many people were confused, then outraged, then mildly amused.
In addition to facebook image tagging Ms. Johnson in suggestive pictures,
publicly bashing 'her' on her facebook,
Edgar Van Aces and I have created this little piece of fun.
Jump for it..

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Walk Like a Zombie [UPDATE]

Egyptians can SUCK IT!
(Except Egyptian mummies, because technically those are zombies also, only magic-ier)

Well, as I posted earlier i was suspended.
I spent that weekend having a great time.
Such as going to Gallery Nucleus's Valentines Zombie Walk!
Here's an image of myself zombified, i got in free becausely.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Days In Hell + New Movie!

So yeah, to add on my last post.
The Axe has fallen.
Long story short, myself, and many others, have been suspended from PUC for three days.
Our sentence begins tomorrow, and afterward, we are on probation for the rest of the year.
not too bad, but still, a pain in the ass.
They made us call our parents, that was a horrible ordeal,
my mom is pleasant, my father kinda scares the crap outta me.

Also, I'd like to tell of of these past few hilarious days in hell.

Tuesday Night (Wednesday Morning) -
1:00 am, i am called from my homework to the deans room.
my phone is confiscated, i am left waiting in the deans room for an interview.
4:00 am, finally i get called in to talk of this whole ordeal.
i don't get any homework done, Wednesday wasted.
Thursday -
was actually really awesome, spent day with Haruka in San Fransisco, and went to see Polysics, good day.
Friday -
So tired from thursday, i missed class, in which i had a lot to turn in.
went to go get wings with friends in napa, got food poisoning,
had to go to bathroom really badly, so i drove fast before Safeway closed,
but got pulled over by a cop. no ticket though!
but that asshole kept me waiting! i barely made it to safeway!!!
Saturday -

Drove all the way to Santa Rosa, spent $30 in gas in which no one will ever reimburse me for,
to go ice skating, but they were out of my skate size.
Went to go eat at Denny's, had to use bathroom, managed to get
Sunday -
Spent all day nervous for meeting with judicial committee on Monday.
Monday -
Meeting with judicial, got the verdict, guilty, suspension.

Monday's not all that bad!
Finished the New Movie!
Hit the Jump for the big premiere!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Fall of the Hammer

Sometime late in my first quarter here at PUC, i attended a gathering.
This gather consisted of teenagers and alcohol.
As a semi-responsible person,
my actions at this party should not be as so incriminating as they are currently.
This Monday, February 1st, at 10:45, i will be called into a hearing to discuss my fate.
I'm just waiting for the axe to fall.
In the meantime, i decided to make the most of this bad situation and have a good time.
Went back to San Fransisco last night explored a bit, and saw Polysics live!
a super kickass time back in the city i love!!

well, lets all hope for the best in my current situation.
it looks bleak, regardless of the fact i did not partake that evening.

i'll post again once my fate is decided upon by a selection of mortals.

thanks for striving for a stasis,
it really kept things from being weird,

Michael Castellanos!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

New Blogs!

As of yesterday, i've founded two new blogs:
Do It Yourself For Fucks Sake (DIY Fucker)
a blog solely dedicated to DIY projects
(i've yet to add more than a welcome post, be patient!)
and my favorite
Cinema Thought Vomit
my blog with myself and multiple co-writers dedicated to ideas we all have for movies or short fun things we can film.

keep an eye out for those two!

on a personal note:
i'm still feeling really great.
life is quite groovy, albeit still tough.
i'm beginning to be worried it might be a brain problem.
i am losing track of memory, my perception of things has been quite 'off' lately.
keep me and my precious gray matter in your thoughts.

you are quite the friend,
regardless of your shit,

Michael Castellanos!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Whats this feeling?

Life feels super good right now.
i'm far away from the home i love.
my coolest friends are over 400 miles away from me.
i have almost no money.
i have no job.
i am at a creative standstill.
i am out of shape.
i broke my keyboard by spilling chocolate milk all over it.
i can't play the guitar at my side.
my hair is falling out.
i have homework to do.
i've lost the connection with the girl i fell in love with,
what we once had has died,
and i don't know if i could've done anything to stop it from happening.
attempts to make connections with other women have been in vain.

but i feel confidant, i have hope, i have music, and i feel really good.
i'm just not entirely sure why.
i'm not sure what i'm hoping for either.

has the line between how i should feel and how i want to feel
been so blurred i can't tell the difference anymore?

what is going on with this fantastic mood.
everything is just glorious right now.

Michael Castellanos?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Reflections of 2009

Ladies and people, 2009 has come and gone.
lets all see what it has to show for itself after the jump!