Suspension, police, rats, narcs, and now,
fake facebook accounts used to trap students.
but instead of re-writing the whole story, I'll just link to this post here.
Needless to say this has created quite a stir in the community.
Many people were confused, then outraged, then mildly amused.
In addition to facebook image tagging Ms. Johnson in suggestive pictures,
publicly bashing 'her' on her facebook,
Edgar Van Aces and I have created this little piece of fun.
Jump for it..
And yeah, it was pretty fun.
So, on to OTHER news, such as my own life.
Hmm, where to begin?
I've been doing a mix of good, great, and awful.
First the awful: being myself, I am a suspicious piece of shit.
So I have been suspicious of things, but I don't want to mention any of it.
Because I don't egg all over my face if I'm wrong. Even though I usually AM right with my suspicions.
But I hope to god I'm not right.... even though my track record has been like, 10 for 10 so far...
I dunno, I've been feeling pretty godawful about it lately.
But as for the great and the good!
I dunno, nothing has gone horribly bad, I suppose that's pretty cool. haha
I've been avidly attending school (somewhat).
My brain is still going to crap, but I'm begining to care about things again,
Which sucks because the things I care about tend to leave me feeling like shit.
Mostly I've been feeling moderate.
Quite very moderate.
Although I do find it nice that I have connected to a old friend whom, well,
I don't think I've ever connected with much before.
Its always nice to be kept entertained, have a pal to chat with,
and have someone to make fun of, who can make fun of you back on the same level.
And to that person I wholeheartedly say, shout, mutter, "Thanks!"
And I really mean it.
And on topic of connecting with old friends,
I had a chat with an old friend which made me feel really...
well, it made me feel really fucking great.
here's some excepts from our small chat:
(11:01:00 PM) Brian Varela: im telling my friend about youthen we have this great face pwn.
(11:01:07 PM) Brian Varela: about how we go waaaaaay back
(11:01:03 PM) hahahaha
(11:01:27 PM) Brian Varela: and how i love your mommy
(11:01:27 PM) -_-
(11:01:49 PM) Brian Varela: she IS my second mother
(11:01:51 PM) Brian Varela: like legit
(11:02:07 PM) and that makes my...
(11:02:12 PM) nuugh, i don't even wanna think about it
(11:02:36 PM) you should tell your friend about my filmmaking groovies, which will then lead to my blog.
(11:02:55 PM) Brian Varela: that makes your what?
(11:03:05 PM) oops, i meant to write, "and that makes you my....."
(11:03:18 PM) Brian Varela: lol!
(11:04:06 PM) Brian Varela: thats not so bad
(11:04:36 PM) Brian Varela: i can be a groovy brother!
(11:04:53 PM) hahhaha
(11:04:55 PM) or sister.
(11:05:11 PM) Brian Varela: anyway you like it
(11:14:12 PM) Brian Varela: dont you have like, curfew to be attending toa chat of aging.
(11:14:43 PM) why yes i do.
(11:14:47 PM) which is at midnight.
(11:14:55 PM) and i'm apparently already in my room
(11:14:57 PM) at my desk
(11:15:00 PM) at my computer.
(11:15:02 PM) you tard.
(11:15:13 PM) Brian Varela: makes sense
(11:15:22 PM) Brian Varela: dont make fun of me!!!
(11:15:26 PM) Brian Varela: im blonde
(11:15:28 PM) Brian Varela: ok?!
(11:15:29 PM) you're anything you wanna be, cross dresser
(11:15:34 PM) hahahahahahahahahahha
(11:15:44 PM) Brian Varela: you could have been at any wireless hotspot
(11:20:00 PM) Brian Varela: look at us, such artistsand then we finish with this GEM of a remark.
(11:20:02 PM) being an artist rules.
(11:20:12 PM) oh how've we grown.
(11:20:19 PM) Brian Varela: its nice.
(11:20:22 PM) Brian Varela: =)
(11:20:21 PM) from tiny artists
(11:20:26 PM) to much much larger ones.
(11:20:56 PM) Brian Varela: lammmeee
(11:20:58 PM) not as much as your face
(11:21:18 PM) Brian Varela: stfu
(11:21:11 PM) well, the rest of you too, its all pretty lame.
(11:21:19 PM) Brian Varela: lol
(11:21:30 PM) Brian Varela: i am ghetto tranny fabulous
(11:21:36 PM) Brian Varela: the anti-lame
(11:21:32 PM) i'm quoting you on that.
(11:21:47 PM) Brian Varela: lol put it on your blog
Thanks dude, made my night.
its been thirteen freaking years.
sweet shit.
my have we grown.
you call it art, i call it frightening.
and yes, he is the one on the left.
and yes, those are both men.
Here's another shot, just for kicks.
Brian Varela
Its been an uneventful day,
but it has been an eventful day.
Don't ask my to make sense of that statement, for the love of god.
And I leave with that.
If you don't want my peaches honey,
please don't shake my tree,
Michael Castellanos!
oh GOD, Brian.
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