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Monday, February 1, 2010

Days In Hell + New Movie!

So yeah, to add on my last post.
The Axe has fallen.
Long story short, myself, and many others, have been suspended from PUC for three days.
Our sentence begins tomorrow, and afterward, we are on probation for the rest of the year.
not too bad, but still, a pain in the ass.
They made us call our parents, that was a horrible ordeal,
my mom is pleasant, my father kinda scares the crap outta me.

Also, I'd like to tell of of these past few hilarious days in hell.

Tuesday Night (Wednesday Morning) -
1:00 am, i am called from my homework to the deans room.
my phone is confiscated, i am left waiting in the deans room for an interview.
4:00 am, finally i get called in to talk of this whole ordeal.
i don't get any homework done, Wednesday wasted.
Thursday -
was actually really awesome, spent day with Haruka in San Fransisco, and went to see Polysics, good day.
Friday -
So tired from thursday, i missed class, in which i had a lot to turn in.
went to go get wings with friends in napa, got food poisoning,
had to go to bathroom really badly, so i drove fast before Safeway closed,
but got pulled over by a cop. no ticket though!
but that asshole kept me waiting! i barely made it to safeway!!!
Saturday -

Drove all the way to Santa Rosa, spent $30 in gas in which no one will ever reimburse me for,
to go ice skating, but they were out of my skate size.
Went to go eat at Denny's, had to use bathroom, managed to get
Sunday -
Spent all day nervous for meeting with judicial committee on Monday.
Monday -
Meeting with judicial, got the verdict, guilty, suspension.

Monday's not all that bad!
Finished the New Movie!
Hit the Jump for the big premiere!

Michael and Edgar Make a Porno

Enjoy, Laugh, Spread The Word, Repeat!
thanks for listening to my life,

Michael Castellanos!


Ryan DeRamos said...

Chicken adobo...kimchi...nuclear waste. Priceless.

elissa. said...

i bought your dinner!

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